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Queen Anne Hallmarked Gold Touch Piece Restrike. Presentation Case.

Queen Anne Hallmarked 9ct Gold Touch Piece Restrike. Contained In Original Presentation Case. Struck In 1974 By Johnson Matthey. 20mm. 1.75g.


Obv: Ship in full sail, the following letters form an arc around the ship, ANNA.D.G.M.BR.FETH.REG. Rev: St. Michael & The Dragon, SOLI. DEO. GLORIA. (TO GOD ALONE THE GLORY).


The “touching” was a common practice in Britain during medieval times, characterized as a test of royal legitimacy, where the King or Queen at the time would hang symbolically holed coins (now talismans) about the neck of the infirmed, in order to cure illnesses such as the Scrofula disease. The Angel was the coin of choice due to it’s representation of the defeat of the dragon, a symbol of Evil, associated with disease. With sole ceremonial purpose, the Touch Piece was designed to replace the gold Angels, preserving the Archangel design, but adding the Royal Ship on the reverse, in allusion to the monarch. The practice lasted for centuries, Queen Anne was the last monarch to “Touch” in England.


In nice original condition, showing only trivial marks. The plastic case with some light marks / scratches, the paper slip with some age wear. A patch of black paint like substance on the front of the card (see close up image).

Queen Anne Hallmarked Gold Touch Piece Restrike. Presentation Case.


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