Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector 1653-58, And Tommaso Aniello, 1622-1647, Called Masaniello. Cast Bronze Medal. By O (Wouter) Müller. A Contemporary Or Near Contemporary 17th Century After-Cast. Pierced. Contained In A Later Matched But Well-Fitting 19th Century Turned Wood Box.
Stippled field to both sides. Obv: Bust of Oliver Cromwell wearing plain collar over armour, classical soldiers to either side holding wreath above his head, legend in cartouche below, OLIVAR CROMWEL. Rev: Bust of Masaniello with shirt open at the neck, between two sailors supporting a crown over his head, MASANIELLO 1647.
A rich chocolate brown tone, trivial surface marks. A Rarely Encountered Medal.
Oliver Cromwell And Tommaso Aniello, 1622-1647, Called Masaniello. Bronze Medal.